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RIIVEH305F - Operate and maintain a four wheel drive vehicle


About the unit

This unit delivers the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to operate and maintain a four wheel drive vehicle in the Resources and Infrastructure Industries.

The unit includes the following:

  • Access, interpret and apply four wheel drive vehicle documentation and ensure the work activity is compliant.

  • Identify the structural and handling differences between a conventional two wheel drive and a four-wheel drive vehicle.

  • Identify and demonstrate the purpose and use of front wheel hubs.

  • Identify factors affecting tyre size, fitment, rating, and pressure.

  • Identify recovery hooks and mounting features.

  • Identify hazards associated with incorrect use of vehicle features or equipment.

  • Plan for minimal environmental impact - Determine types of impact likely to occur during four-wheel driving activities.

  • Demonstrate compliance with land management principles and policies when planning exploration activities, and comply with policies and management plans relevant to the activity area.

  • Adopt and implement procedures to ensure minimisation of harm to the environment from four-wheel drive activities.

  • Demonstrate cooperation and consideration towards other land users.

  • Perform routine pre-departure checks under the bonnet, under the body, on external and internal items and accessories, and take action to correct any deficiency.

  • Determine food and water requirements for journey.

  • Select navigation equipment.

  • Interpret weather conditions, determine suitability for driving.

  • Apply safe vehicle loading practices, and secure items of personal luggage.

  • Advise passengers of any special safety precautions to be taken when traversing rough terrain.

  • Operate four-wheel drive both on and off road, in accordance with road rules, principles of four-wheel driving and WHS regulations.

  • Apply smooth accelerator control strategies and recommended braking techniques over a range of terrain types.

  • Identify situations where the engagement of four-wheel drive is required, and engage where necessary.

  • Survey track to identify hazards, asses risk and select a best route, including selecting those routes that minimise damage to the environment. Assess and perform repairs to damaged tracks where necessary.

  • Use appropriate range, gear, speed, driving and braking technique, negotiate a range of terrain types whilst maintaining control of vehicle, being aware of contextual/environment issues.

  • Check brakes and undercarriage after negotiating varying terrain.

  • Use standard operating procedures when travelling in company with other vehicles.

  • When coordinating to recover a vehicle, apply work procedures to ensure risk assessment, safe operating practices, and communication requirements are adhered to.

  • Identify equipment and methods to recover a stuck vehicle.

  • Identify risks associated with vehicle recovery and develop and implement strategies to minimise risks. These can include slopes, pot holes, power lines, wet, slippery conditions, mud, changes in terrain, obstacles such as tree branches or poles.

  • Identify correctly rated recovery equipment and attachment points.

  • Demonstrate procedures for preparing vehicles for recovery and then coordinate the safe recovery of a four-wheel drive vehicle using designated equipment and recovery method.

  • Identify techniques to minimise impact on the environment during vehicle recovery.

  • Perform post recovery checks and report any vehicle or environmental repairs needed. Return recovery equipment to a reusable condition.

  • Perform maintenance and minor repairs on four-wheel drive vehicles.

  • Select/access maintenance equipment, including spares and fluids, prior to departure, considering contextual issues of the trip.

  • Submit vehicle written performance reports.

  • Demonstrate safe use of a jack to change a wheel on a four-wheel drive vehicle.

  • Travelling in a convoy safely.


For any questions regarding this unit, or any other unit or training needs, then please contact us on 0417 761 610 or via email at

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Note: All Nationally Recognised Training is delivered in partnership with the RTO Health Security Education RTO #40907

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