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The world changes for the better because each person makes a difference in the best way they can with what they have available to them. We are proud supporters of the following charities and charity events, and we would be so grateful to have you help us create a meaningful impact in the world by supporting them too. So please check out these pages and jump on board! A massive thank you in advance. They are making a profound impact on our society, and they need our help...

Rally For A Cause Logo

Rally For A Cause is a community charity actively supporting Fraser Coast families and individuals affected by life-limiting medical conditions or whose lives have been disrupted by detrimental circumstances beyond their control. Now in its fourth year, Rally for a Cause has raised over $700,000 for families and individuals in the Fraser Coast region. 

You can help out by checking out their website (click on the logo) and contributing through donating money, time, resources, connections and in any other way you feel you can be of assistance. Thanks in advance. 

The Dunga Derby 2018 Logo

The Dunga Derby is the major fundraising event to support the Rally for A Cause Charity in their efforts to support local Fraser Coast families with life-limiting medical conditions in need of support. Dingo Dave - Director and Principal Trainer with the Australian Offroad Academy is the Event Director for this amazing event. 


The four day car rally event is held the first week in August each year and sees up to 55 cars and 200 participants travel from Hervey Bay to the bush, having a load of fun along the way! In the first four years, the Dunga Derby has raised over $700,000 which goes back into the Fraser Coast community.

Drought Angels Logo

Drought Angels is a charity that supports Aussie farmers and their rural communities with meaningful and personalised assistance.  They provide food hampers, care packs, prepaid visas and local store vouchers.  They like to say that their support isn't a handout but a Thank You. “Thank you for all you do to put the food on our tables because without you we would all go hungry”.

They help those who would not normally reach out but prefer to battle it alone, which can lead to severe depression and in some cases suicide. 

You can help out by checking out their website (click on their logo), by donating money, time, food, other resources, connections and moral support for our amazing farmers.

© 2023 by P7Offroad Pty Ltd T/A Australian Offroad Academy ABN: 35 376 688 948

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